
Using the Machmeter setup command to start creating resources and the execute command to load randomised data into Cloud Spanner with the help of a JMeter template.

Table of contents

  1. Resource Creation using IaaC
    1. Workload Identity for Authentication
    2. Configuration File Definition
    3. Execution Command
  2. Data Load
    1. Configuration File Definition
    2. Execution Command

Resource Creation using IaaC

Required resources involve executing the setup command of machmeter with spanner instance config, GKE cluster config and path to Schema file containing SQL command describing the database structure. One important thing to remember is that the spanner config will need to remain the same in all these steps.

Machmeter uses Terraform to create a GKE cluster which is used to generate the load. Refer to Kubernetes concepts cheat sheet and kubectl CLI cheat sheet for a quick reference to common concepts and commands.

Workload Identity for Authentication

The steps mentioned in Use Workload Identity are automated in the setup phase. It triggers the creation of a Google Service Account with Spanner Admin role and a Kubernetes Service account with Workload Identity User binding to the Google Service Account. This enables the Kubernetes Service Account to impersonate the Google Service Account when authenticating for requests to Spanner in execute phase.

Configuration File Definition

Key name Description
infraConfig.spannerInstanceConfig.projectId Google Cloud Project Id
infraConfig.spannerInstanceConfig.instanceId Name of the instance to be created
infraConfig.spannerInstanceConfig.dbName Name of the database to be created
infraConfig.spannerInstanceConfig.configuration Region in which the spanner instance is to be created
infraConfig.spannerInstanceConfig.displayName Instance display name
infraConfig.spannerInstanceConfig.processingUnits Number of processing units
infraConfig.spannerInstanceConfig.environment Creation environment
gkeConfig.clusterName GKE cluster name
gkeConfig.namespace GKE cluster name space
gkeConfig.region GKE cluster region GKE cluster network
gkeConfig.subnetwork GKE cluster sub network
gkeConfig.ipRangePodsName GKE cluster IP range Pod’s Name
gkeConfig.ipRangeServicesName GKE cluster IP range Services Name
gkeConfig.google_service_account Name of Google Cloud Service Account to be created
gkeConfig.kube_service_account Name of GKE Service Account to be created
jMeterParams.spannerInstanceConfig.projectId Google Cloud Project Id (Should be same as in previoud keys)
jMeterParams.spannerInstanceConfig.instanceId Name of the instance to be created (Should be same as in previoud keys)
jMeterParams.spannerInstanceConfig.dbName Name of the database to be created (Should be same as in previoud keys)
jMeterParams.spannerInstanceConfig.configuration Region in which the spanner instance is to be created
jMeterParams.schemaFilePath Path to the Schema file.

Please refer to the sample file for example values.

This is a sample file with the above defined configuration.

Execution Command

java -jar target/machmeter/machmeter.jar setup path-to-config-file.json

Data Load

Data load involves executing the execute command of machmeter with data load jmeter script as input. This script, when executed, will load a randomized set of data onto a given mentioned spanner database.

This will also create CSV files containing the keys for created data. These CSV will be used as a source for parameters in queries in the Perf test.

Configuration File Definition

Key name Description
namespace Name of the GKE namespace
jMeterTemplatePath Path to Data load Jmeter Script
jMeterParams.project Google Cloud Project Id
jMeterParams.instance Name of the instance to be created
jMeterParams.database Name of the database to be created
jMeterParams.connections Spanner Connection Counts

Please refer to the sample file for example values.

This is a sample file with the above defined configuration.

Execution Command

Ensure you have the GKE credentials configured via: gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --region=COMPUTE_REGION

java -jar target/machmeter/machmeter.jar execute path-to-config-file.json