
Setting up Machmeter for execution.

Table of contents

  1. Pre-Requisites
  2. Getting Started
    1. Installation
    2. Execute an existing template
  3. Setting up the Cloud Environment


Machmeter uses several tools under the hood. Please ensure the following are installed where Machmeter will run:

Getting Started

It’s very easy to quickly start experimenting with Machmeter. Use on of the existing usecase templates to get started.


Create a clone of the Github repository of Machmeter as follows:

git clone

# Install Dependencies
cd machmeter
cd machmeter

# Building the maven project
mvn clean package -P assembly

# Install the gcloud gke plugin
gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin

Execute an existing template

Machmeter exposes three CLI commands: setup, execute and cleanup. All of these commands follow similar syntax and can be executed as follows:

java -jar target/machmeter/machmeter.jar <command> <Path To Json Config>

Each Machmeter run consists of the following three phases:

  1. setup - Create the necessary resources required to execute a POC.
  2. execute - Execute the acutal performance POC test.
  3. cleanup - Delete the created resources.

Click on each step to understand how to perform it.

Setting up the Cloud Environment

We expect to set organization policy by default.

We use Workload Identity for authentication. The required resources will be automatically created in set up phase with the required permissions and bindings.